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Where can I get tickets to the Event?


Tickets cost $10 and are available via Eventbrite.


What is the difference between the two prices listed for each item?


Bidding at the event will start at the lower price, but you can buy auction lots right away at the higher price.



What happens when I buy an auction lot now?


You will receive a confirmation from PayPal right away. Within one business day we will e-mail you a signed slip detailing the promise and the contact details of the promiser.


What happens if my promiser isn't following through?


If your promiser is not getting back to you within a few days, get in touch with us at or 716-939-7357 and we will try to sort things out. In the very unlikely event that you do not receive the promise within the specified time period, Good Neighbors will give you a full refund.


Why should I come to the event if I can get promises online?


You can get much better deals on these promises at the event, you can bowl and you'll have a fantastic time!



Where can I find out more about Good Neighbors?


You can find out more at:    Our website     Facebook page     Twitter







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